Scheckter’s Raw- Vegan Paradise: 9/10

I know, I know- an article on vegans, crazy! I guess the majority of you are waiting for me to announce my veganism and Jehova’s witness you into following my righteous animal free eating path. Sadly today is not that today. Needless to say, I am lactose intolerant (bear with with me) and due to vegan’s lack of dairy usage I have found myself frequenting vegan hotspots around Cape Town.


For the most part this has been insufferable. In order not to culturally appropriate Veganism and everything that comes along with it, I have tried eating everything- not only the dairy free substitutes. Truthfully, without all the usual hyperbole and sarcasm, it has been just fine. My only qualm is that it tastes nothing like the meal it supposedly replaces. A falafel burger wrapped solely in lettuce tastes nothing a like a juicy beef burger, marinated to perfection placed delicately in between slightly toasted buns.


Having said that, Scheckter’s Raw a vegan restaurant in Sea Point will blow your mind. It bulldozed its way onto the scene with their revolutionary pumpkin based flapjack, attracting not only herbivores, but also those of omni- and-carni -vore descent. The rest of the menu ranges from saucy vegan burgers, to snickers smoothies, its simply delicious. The service is also pretty quick and the owner is always around, happy to field questions regarding the produce, how they make the food and Scheckter’s Raw’s mission statement.


A negative, if one was to go and actively look for one, is the fact that the restaurant is located on Sea Point main road. This allows taxi’s hooters to interrupt the holistic dining experience one might be enjoying.


Another negative to heinous to ignore, is the people that frequent the establishment. After walking into the restaurant one is automatically made to feel inferior as 6ft gods and goddesses traverse the open planned space in scantily clad gym attire. Not only are they  gorgeous, they also happen to be “super vegans”. As you sit there quite content with your flapjacks and water, chiming to yourself what a healthy person you are, the aforementioned gods next to you down a ginger and turmeric infused, health shot. Not only does the sound of the shot glass slamming the table take you back to darker times, but you also question the flu shot you took earlier last week and its miserable side effects, compared to the gleeful white grin etched across the healthy specimens 2 metres to your right.

Apart from the unforgiving crowd, Sheckter’s Raw is amazing. I would highly recommend it to anyone craving some tasty flapjacks, vegans or even someone seeking a complete immune boost and detox. Plus after eating there you can instagram the meal letting all your followers know how ‘woke’ you actually are.


Screen Shot 2017-06-22 at 3.08.41 PM
I’M WOKE AF // Photo by Author.






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